Saturday, May 2, 2015

How Have I Changed Throughout 9th Grade?

Photo Courtesy Of: GIF Maker

I remember the first day of ninth grade, I was feeling down about summer being over, and nervous about seeing everyone again. Last summer I was mostly in Pennsylvania being with my family and childhood friends. 

During the end of first quarter, to second quarter, I still felt out of place. I decided I want to make new friends and starting talking and sitting with other people.

For those few months I tried my best to be other peoples friends, thinking I would be happier, when really all it did was make me feel even worse about myself. 

Maybe even without realizing it, these girls were rejecting me and I felt alone. My old friends didn’t talk to me, and my new friends weren’t even true friends to me.

Around January, I decided to turn things around, I went back to my old friends, apologizing to all of them. I was stupid for leaving them, and I truly now know the meaning of true friends. It was an experience I will never do again.

I also went back to my best friend, at the end it turns out she really needed me too. I went through the worst fight I have ever had with her, and it has truly changed me. I think her and I will always stay together from it.

Throughout this year, more like the second half of this year, I also came out of my shell a little bit, with the help of my friends and met more people. I have made more friends and experiences this year than any other school year, even when I moved here from Pennsylvania. 

I feel like my physical self, such as my abilities have been what has changed the most throughout this school year. I feel like I am now so much healthier and can do so much more.

Cheer has made me such a stronger person, thanks to the help of my stunt girls, Hannah Littell, Jade Wilson, and especially Maddy Werbelow. Maddy has helped me so much, we have always stayed together stunting and mow together we are so powerful.

Throughout this year I have also been training so much more. Even though most girls can easily get tumbling, such as back handsprings, it took myself 3 months, going three times a week to get that stupid back handspring. (If you wanna learn how to tumble, CLICK HERE) But I was able to throw it for Sophomore tryouts and can’t wait to use it for competition next year!

Since the beginning of this year I would have to say I feel as if I haven’t changed as much as I have throughout out other past years. For me, this year flew by and now I just can’t wait for summer. I now have a job, and seriously just can’t wait to drive! 

From an academic point of view, I would have to say I have definitely improved and also write more maturely. Mr. Parker’s english class and all my other honors classes have definitely helped me so much. I now can’t wait to get into the high school, even though I am still terrified for my future. I guess this is a goodbye for now! 

Saturday, April 25, 2015

8 Sweet Treat DIYs

Photo Courtesy Of: Sweet Treats*

Hello again everyone! Today I have eight delightful DIYs for you to help you with your baking. As always, let me know what you think in the comments below and lets get started!

Have you ever accidentally got an eggshell in your yolk? Don't worry, it happens to me all the time. Probably like 99% of the times I've ever cracked an egg in my life. I'm pretty sure I learned this DIY while watching some cooking show a while back. But anyway, dip your finger in water to have the shell stick to your finger when your trying to get it out. This trick is definitely the easiest way to snatch that stubborn eggshell! 

Have really tough butter? Need it softer for buttering a bagel or something? Don’t microwave it! Cover it with a warm glass, this trick perfectly heats things up real fast!

Anyone a little OCD like myself? While making cupcakes, I always use an ice cream scooper so all my cupcakes are perfectly the same size.

Ever been in a situation where you don’t have a muffin tin? My sister and I have been in this situation one time when we needed to make cupcakes for a girl scout event and completely forgot to bring one. What did we do you ask? We used the lids of mason jars to hold up the cupcake liners. This ended up working great!

Having trouble frosting? Make your cupcakes look slightly more professional with nothing more than a plastic bag. Just scoop some of your frosting to one corner of the bag, and then snip off a little bit of the corner with some scissors. Perfect piping tool!

Want to try something different than icing? Or maybe you're in a situation where you don't have icing at all? Use marshmallows! Literally put a marshmallow on a cupcake and bake for five minutes. The marshmallow will melt and form around the cupcake, looking like perfect and even white frosting! I found this on Pinterest, CLICK HERE to check them out, they have amazing hacks for just about anything! 

Have left over cookie dough? If you're like me you could just eat it. But if you need a way to easily store your cookie dough, put it into an ice tray in the freezer to save for later. Then you get little bites throughout your week of cookie dough snacks.

Best way to save your cookies? Before you put your container of freshly baked cookies away, cut an edge of an apple out and add that into your container. Make sure the skin part of the apple touches the cookies so the juices don’t get soggy. Anyway, this trick keeps your cookies nice and soft and never hard. Don’t believe me, try it yourself! 

So those are my eight DIYs for all the sweet treats you will be making for the rest of your life. Also, don’t forget to vote on my poll so I know what you guys want to read about, and I’ll see you guys next Saturday!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

6 DIYs For Your Fabulous Shoes!

Shoe Photo Courtesy of: Shoes Inc.

Hello everyone, this week’s blog is all about the shoes. This week I have been thinking of some tricks I personally know that I hope can help you out too! Let me know what you think in the comments below. Without further or do, here are my six “shoe” DIYs that I hope help you out!

Have some annoying squeaky shoes? Add some baby powder to the inside of your shoes to silence them! My dad just bought me these really nice running shoes and the first time I used them was for a mile I ran in cheer, and each step I took they squeaked so loud. Even with my shoes being black, the baby powder worked so well and didn’t stain anything (btw it easily comes off the socks).

 Need a natural way to get the smell out of your shoes? Add some tea bags to your shoes to eliminate the odors! My friend’s cheer shoes used to stink up her entire bedroom until her mom made her do this, it worked!

My next trick my grandmother taught me, and is the most important. ALWAYS shoe shop at night. Your feet swell throughout the day and if you buy shoes that fit perfectly in the morning, they will be uncomfortable and too tight by the end of the day. This way, your shoes will always fit. Clever huh?

Do you need to wear those kind of heels that are uncomfortable and too narrow in the toe area? Tape your big toe and the one next to it together! This trick helps you keep your feet comfortable in the narrow area of a high heel. To eliminate people seeing your toes tapes, you could also use a bandaid that matches your skin color if they happen to be opened toed shoes.

Have shoes that will cause blisters if you wear them for too long? Any shoes that are not my cheer shoes, converse or boots always do that to me. Apply some clear gel deodorant to those problem areas to avoid blisters. I always use this trick whenever I need to wear flats, it really works and won’t stain your shoes!

Do you have some painful blisters? Well first of all, you should have used the DIY above this one. But if you happened to get a painful blister, soak your feet in some warm green tea. The green tea is a natural "anti-inflammatory agent" to help the pain and heal those blisters. Another trick from my amazing grandma, if you were wondering. 

Need to shop for some shoe organizing containers for shoes? Shop HERE! This website is where my mom bought all of our organization shelves and stuff like that. 

So those are my six easy DIYs to help you out with any “shoe problems” you might have in the future. DO forget to vote on my poll so I know what you guys want to see! Again, thanks for reading and you’ll hear from me next week!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

7 DIYs For Every Lazy Girl

Makeup Picture in Courtesy Of: Beautiful Makeup

Greetings audience, this week’s post is for girls, even though I’m pretty sure no guys read my blog anyway, apart from Mr. Parker, of course. Anyway, today I will be showing you seven makeup DIYs to save lazy girls who just aren’t able to get up early enough to get things done in time. My best friend, Siana, happens to be like this every morning for school. As usual, let me know if any of these DIYs help you out for those mornings when you're feeling extra lazy.

Okay, so my first DIY is for the night before, after a long day with makeup on your face and your ready to go to sleep. Just use a face wipe to clean instead of washing your face! As long as you get a pack of face wipes good enough for the job, those wipes will end up becoming life savers for your skin, and your pillow case!

My second DIY is to apply concealer in a triangle shape instead of just randomly dabbing in under your eyes for a better effect. This will make it look like you took more time than you really did getting ready in th morning. You will also look less tired.

My third one is for contouring, I personally have never contoured but I have learned this from watching previous makeup videos. Easily contour your face by just brushing it in a "three" shape, which is your forehead, top of your checks, and jaw line. This is supposedly the easiest and quickest way to get the job done.

The fourth DIY is for those girls who like to rock eyeliner, and cat eyes and stuff. For a perfect quick cat eye, use a credit card. This will easily keep the extending lines equal and straight, and you can get it done fast.

Most girls I know my age at the very least wear mascara. For better lashes, warm up your mascara bottle with running under some warm water. This makes the formula come off from sticking to the inner walls, making you lashes always look like you used a fresh new bottle.

This next DIY I use for when I have to wear red lipstick for cheer. With a lip liner, draw an "X" shape to create the perfect cupids bow. It's way easier than trying to do it with just lipstick!

And my last DIY is a complete life savor for when your hair is greasy, which which has happened to every girl I know. Forgot to wash your hair last night? Use dry shampoo! Your scalp looks fresh and clean in seconds.

Want to know how to get ready in only five minutes in the morning? Click HERE for this cool website I found that gives you genius tips!

Alright so those are my DIYs for you lazy girls out there who like to sleep until the last minute for school, work, or whatever your plans are. Also, don’t forget to vote on my poll if you haven’t already so I know what you guys want to see! See you all again next week!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Ultimate DIY Guide For Destroying That Pimple!

Hello again everyone! This will be my last post for the end of this quarter and I wanted it to be special. Today I will be giving you the ULTIMATE GUIDE for destroying any kind of pimple that you may have on your face. Let me know how some of these work in the comment section or if you have any other ideas on how to get rid of a stubborn pimple!

1. Apply ice cubes for a few minutes. Freezing the pimple will shrink the overall size of it.

2. Rub on garlic for three minutes (might burn). This will dry out the pimple making it appear smaller.

3. Dab on some Listerine. Listerine is a great way to really clean deep and get whatever is causing that pimple out of there!

4. Make a face mask out of egg whites, leave it on for fifteen minutes to soak up the oil.

5. Use some eyedrops to help reduce redness.

6. Apply the gel from an Advil pill for several minutes. This will help make it heal fast.

7. Mix aspirin tablets and water together until it becomes a paste, leave mask on for ten minutes. This mask also helps heal and reduce a pimple’s size.

8. Leave toothpaste on overnight to once again, reduce the size.

9. Apply pepto-bismol for a few minutes. This one I have never tried but my sister has!
10. Rub the inside of a banana peel onto pimple, keep it on for thirty minutes. This one is better for people with more sensitive or delicate skin.

11. Apply oatmeal, or an oatmeal mask for fifteen minutes. Not only is oatmeal good for acne, but it will really soften your skin!

12. Rub the inside of tomatoes on your face twice a day. If you can do this consistently, I promise those stubborn things will leave!

13. Leave a spoonful or honey and yogurt for fifteen minutes. I do this even when I don’t have a pimple because it’s amazing for your skin!

14. Put a mixture of two tablespoons of honey and one tablespoon of cinnamon, leave for fifteen minutes. The cinnamon is a more intense version of the honey and yogurt mask. The cinnamon is like the garlic where it will really help dry out that pimple!

15. Combine baking soda a water and leave on for fifteen minutes. I personally have only used baking soda on my teeth but I saw my two cousins try this once and their acne went away.

16. Apply lemons on your most stubborn pimples. This definitely stings but it really gets rid of those pimples!

Want another idea to get rid of pimples overnight? Click HERE for a tutorial! I hoped this help with your acne or stubborn pimples. Pimples and acne in general is just the worst and it’s so hard to have it at this day in age. Thanks again for reading and I’ll start posting again once fourth quarter rolls around. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

7 DIY's For Runners!

Hello again everyone! I hope you are all having a fun weekend. Right now Cheer is off season and tryouts are sometime in the middle of April. I personally am trying to get a back handspring by tryouts and I have also been conditioning a lot more. One of the things I like to do is run. Running is a great full body workout and cardio. Here are seven DIYs (more like tricks) for helping you run your best!

Do you ever get really bad cramps in the middle of your run? And you don’t want to stop because you set a goal for yourself but pushing through the pain kills? Drink a banana smoothie before your run to prevent muscle cramps. A banana with some milk and ice it the best for these types of things and is also really good for you!

This next trick seems a little weird to me and I personally don't do it because I don't like the taste of it. But they say to drink coffee to help your endurance. Even though my endurance is terrible I still do not try this but I have had many aunts and uncles say it worked great for them.

My aunt also told me about this next trick, which is to use you shoe laces to hold your keys if you have no pockets. I personally would probably find this quite annoying if with every step I took, they would jingle, but let me know what you think if you ever try it in the comment section!

Here is something that is definitely a DIY you should try if you love listening to your music as you run. Create your own arm iPod holder by cutting the tip of a sock and putting it over your arm. This will keep your iPod or phone is place as you run and works just as well and one you could buy from the store. And hey, if you really wanted to get fancy with it you could use a fancy patterned sock, but mine personally is just black. Need a DIY for the other sock? Use another sock and just cut the tip for a water bottle grip.
Here are two more DIYs to improve how you run. First, focus on one object far away while you are running to increase you speed, and feel less tired. This always works for me and keeps my head up even when I want to keep it down when I get tired. For afterwards when you're done running, roll your feet over a tennis ball for a foot massage on your sore feet. You can even add the in the freezer before hand, it feels amazing! It also is super easy to pop in your bag and go and it will always be there is you have some foot pain.

Also, need some workout clothes? Lululemon is by far my favorite. Thanks for reading and let me know what else you want to see by voting on my poll! 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

5 Genius Hot Chocolate DIYs

Hello everyone! I wasn’t really sure what I was going to blog about this week, and as I was thinking about this I was drinking hot chocolate when I thought I could give you guys some DIYs to spice up your hot chocolate (even though its abnormally warm outside) Let me know what you guys think about these tricks in the comment section and I hope you enjoy!

Hot Chocolate DIY #1: Broil your hot chocolate with marshmallows on top in your oven at the lowest setting to give your marshmallows a beautiful color. I recommend doing this over microwaving it because microwaving it doesn’t give the marshmallows any crispness to it, it will just blow up the marshmallows making them look huge with no pretty color either.

Hot Chocolate DIY #2: Add some vanilla extract and hot chocolate to your french toast mix to create chocolate french toast! This honesty taste amazing! I made them a while ago for my sister’s birthday and she fell in love with them too. Hot chocolate is the best was to make chocolate french toast because the batter needs to stay thin and using other kinds of chocolate, such a chocolate syrup or melted chocolate chips will make the batter too thick for the bread.

Hot Chocolate DIY #3: Add very crushed and fine Oreos to your hot chocolate mix to bump up your Oreo hot chocolate! You have probably had Oreo hot chocolate before, where someone has cut up some Oreo junks into your drink. But if you grind the Oreos to and extremely fine consistency, you will be able to add it throughout the whole drink without all of the good stuff sinking to the bottom.

Hot Chocolate DIY #4: Add hot chocolate powder to your melted marshmallows when you're making rice crispy treats to make chocolate rice crispy treats! As I said before, hot chocolate is the best way to do this due to the consistency of it, since it wont affect the thickness of your chocolate rice crispy treats. 

Hot Chocolate DIY #5: Add hot chocolate powder to cashew butter and freeze it over night for a healthy and delicious fudge! I learned this from a nutritionist named Lindsay who came to my house and taught my sister and I some natural and healthy recipes. 

f you want to know more about Lindsay click HERE. She is an amazing nutritionist and is a very kind lady. She will come to your house and cook an amazing dinner with you and while she does it she teaches you how to cook the natural and healthier way.

Want some more hot chocolate recipes? Click HERE! This website has tons of recipes for any season and have so many more ideas than what I have come up with here. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed these and let me know what more you want to see by voting on my poll! I’ll be coming up with two more posts by the end of 3rd Quarter. 

Saturday, February 21, 2015

7 Baking DIYs for Pros

Hello everybody! Today I have seven easy baking hacks that I came up with, with the help of my grandma, who basically taught me everything I know about cooking and baking. She and I would always cook together whenever I was at her house when I lived in Pennsylvania. So I can approve that these DIYs came from an expert when it comes to the art of food. Let me know what you think in the comment section and I hope you enjoy!

Have you ever wanted to make your own whipped cream instead of using the cheap stuff from the can? Fill a jar with heavy whipping cream, close and shake for about three minutes for homemade whipped cream! Add some sugar to the mixture to make it sweet. This version tastes much better and natural in my opinion and is better than you then the stuff you can get at the store in a can.

Decorating cupcakes? Or a fabulous cake? Add jello packet powder to icing for color and fun flavors. Doing this trick allows you to only have to get one big thing of white icing then all you have to do is split it into all of the different colors you want! This is great for whenever you are baking with younger kids. 

In desperate need for a rolling pin? Use a wine bottle! My house currently still does not have a rolling pin because we always have a wine bottle and it works just as well. Just remember to add flour onto the bottle so nothing sticks to it. 

Have no icing for cupcakes? Put a cloth with a pretty design on the cupcake and dust on some powdered sugar, you should be left with a pretty sugar design when the cloth is removed! You can also just use a regular paper and add a design to it by cutting one out. This is also another fun project you can do with kids. You can also use this trick on top of icing to make your treats look extra fancy. 

Are you in desperate need of born sugar? Combine sugar and molasses to make your very own brown sugar! Just remember, one tablespoon of molasses to every one cup of sugar. I promise you it works just as well as brown sugar.

If your own brown sugar is as hard as a rock, microwave it for about twenty seconds to make it once a soft again. I remember puling out a bag of brown sugar in my pantry that was literally a rock. My sharpest knife wouldn't even cut through it. This DIY really solved the problem. 

Use a clean syringe for easy decorating with kids! Put some colored icing into a syringe and you can use it for decorating sugar cookies or cupcakes. It’s a lot of fun to do with kids. 

Want to learn more about the basics of baking? Click HERE! I hope this helped with your baking skills and don’t forget to vote on my poll so I know what you guys would like to see!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

10 DIYs For The Coolest Parents or Babysitters!

Hello everyone! Are you a parent, or a babysitter? Here are ten DIYs I have come up with to help you out with the crazy kids you might be dealing with! Let me know if these help or worked for you in the comment section, enjoy!

1.Teach your kids to hold a juice box by having them hold the side flaps that you can pull up instead of the kid squeezing the carton and spraying juice everywhere. Less messes will equal to a happier you.

2. Decorate a spray bottle with water to turn it into a "mister be gone" spray for kids that are afraid of the dark! Then just use your imagination to prove to them that the spray actually works to eliminate monsters!

3. When bathing a baby, put the baby in a laundry basket then in the tub to keep from toys floating out of reach. The holes throughout the basket let enough water in without letting any bating toys out.

4. Decorate a dollar bill with some glitter and Elmer's glue to create tooth fairy money! You can probably reuse the dollar if you are able to take it away once they forget about it. I remember my mom telling me she did that to me once!

5. Use a pool noodle on the side of the door to create a toddler jam proof door. A pool noodle, if cut in half, should be the perfect size to slide onto the side of the door, and you can choose from different colors!

6. Tie a blanket or a sheet to the bottom of the table to create a baby hammock! Please make sure the child is old enough for this and that they are not going to fall out and hurt them selves, or just use a low set table. 

7. Adding some rainbow sprinkles to healthy food will make children want to eat their greens even more! Besides, a few sprinkles won't do much and your kids will get a lot more greens into them. 

8. Have your child wrap their middle, ring and pinky finger around a wad of tissues while holding a pencil to show how to properly hold one! My mom used this trick for my younger sister who had a hard time learning this trick. 

9. Turn cleaning into a game by creating a square out of duck tape and have the child sweep everything into the square. You can have prizes at the end of the job to really motivate them to clean up!

10. Always have some bubbles with you! Bubbles are a great thing to pull out whenever a child is bored. Remember though, they will leave a residue on your wood floors if you choose to do this inside. 

Need some more everyday parenting tips? Click HERE! Thanks for reading today’s blog and I hope some of these tricks will help because let’s face it, kids are never the easiest things to deal with and everyone could use some help.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

11 DIY Makeup Hacks!

"50 Shades of Makeup"

Hello everybody! This week I have spent a lot of time coming up with a total of eleven makeup DIYs that you could use in your everyday life. Feel free to let me know what you think of these and if they worked out for you in the comment section. So let’s get started!

1. Here’s a trick for people who wear lipstick. After putting lipstick on, put a tissue over your lips and put some translucent powder onto the tissue to prevent smudges.

2. Have naturally frizzy hair like my sister’s afro? Use a t-shirt instead of a towel to dry natural hair to prevent frizz.

3. Do you like perfume as much as I do? The best place to spray perfume is behind your ears, the base of your throat, inside elbow and wrist. It will last much longer like this instead of just randomly spraying all over your body like most people I know do.

4. Want to cut your own split ends? Twist all of your hair and cut the strays, you'll be able to dee your split ends better! This also works better if your hair is wet or damp. But be careful, remember that when you cut your hair wet, it will dry slightly shorter!

5. To prevent lipstick from getting on your teeth, put your mouth around your index finger and move your finger away as if you were taking a ring off with your lips. My cheer team and I always use this trick when we need to wear lipstick for tryouts, competitions and games. 

6. At the end of your products that are in a tube, cut the tube in half to get every last bit out of it! Makeup can be crazy expensive if you choose to get the high-end stuff, so don't waste a drop.

7. Keep expensive mascara brushes and use them with regular mascara after cleaning the brush. The brush will make your lashes more high-end even if you are using a cheaper mascara solution.

8. Revive old mascara by soaking the tube in warm water. Dipping the tube in warm water releases the mascara off the sides so your brush can bring it out of the tube and onto your lashes.

9. Pat your under eye concealer on instead of rubbing to prevent wrinkles and wearing of that sensitive skin in the future. Learned this tip from Michelle Phan on youtube, check her out she’s awesome.

10. Use Elmer's glue for a good base coat for your nails for easier removal later on. You wont be able to tell you used the glue after applying nail polish if you used a thin coat. 

11. Use dry shampoo before bed instead of in the morning. The tossing and turning as you sleep will help work the product in, eliminating any white powder blotches.

Want even more makeup hacks? Click HERE for this amazing blog I found. Thanks for reading and come back next Saturday for another blog!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

6 DIY Snacks From An Expert Snacker

Hello everybody, I hope you are all having a wonderful Saturday! Feeling a little hungry? Today I have 6 DIYs that should help any snacker become an expert, obviously like myself. Please let me know what you think in the comment section and if these tricks help you and your snacking life! 

A fun fact about me is that I come from a family who has always loved Oreos. I mean I truly feel that the addiction for Oreos is in my blood. So I thought I could share a little trick with you when it comes to the art of dunking an Oreo into milk if you didn’t know this trick already. Stab a fork into the creme of an Oreo for better milk dunking and clean fingers. This is the much fancier way of dunking but is for expert snackers only!

My best friend and I love to split a pint of ice cream, usually Ben & Jerry’s as we watch a movie on Netflix. Since we both are truly expert snackers, we came up with an amazing idea to share the ice-cream. Literally cut the whole ice cream container in half for a perfect split! The pints made out of cardboard are easy to cut through and when you leave the lid on, they are perfectly used as bowls!

Another easy trick I have learned though out my wise snacking years, is to use another pistachio shell to open pistachios! This is much easier for people like me who basically have no nails to help get that stubborn shell open.

I personally do not like cherries, but if you are a fan, my cousin taught me to pit a cherry with a paper clip, because it's the easiest way to do it! All you have to do is bend the edge of the paper clip out so it turns into a hook, and then you just scoop out the pit from the top!

This next tip I saw at a party with all of this Mexican food. What they did was they slid the prongs of a fork on the side of a hard shell taco to keep it standing without any spill while people put the stuff inside the taco. I thought this was a really cool idea that also looked nice. 

My last DIY for today is for picking up pizza. Use a liter soda bottle to keep pizzas level in the car seat! Car seats are made with a slight incline which could squish your pizza to one side by the time you get home. Propping a soda in the divot of the seat will keep the pizza laying flat! 

Want some ideas for snacks after school? Click HERE for 50 After Snacks! They have a lot of cool snack ideas and I guarantee you will find at least one you like. Anyway, thanks for reading and don’t forget to vote on my poll so I know what you guys would like to see!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

5 DIYS To Improve Your Household

Mary Poppins  Knows How It's Done

Hello everyone! I am here again to show you some tricks I have learned throughout my life to improve your household. Feel free to let me know how these DIY tricks work for you if you try them!  Most of these I have learned from my amazing Grandma who in my eyes is better than Mary Poppins when it comes to cleaning and keeping a house looking nice and organized. 

Okay, the first trick I have learned is one to make more space in your closet. How, do you ask? Thread a cap from a soda can through the hook of a hanger to hook another hanger under that one. In my closet I can now hold three times the amount of clothes on each hanger which saves me so much space!

Another trick is one I learned about week ago when my bathroom sink clogged up and my grandma told my dad to pour hot water, baking soda and vinegar down the sink to speed up my drain. It worked really well and we didn’t have to go and buy any product to fix it!

Another one I found online a long time ago was to use the rough scrubbing side of a sponge to easily remove lint, or in my case, dog hair from your couch. My dog, Jake (the brown dog that’s in a picture from my previous post) is always on my couch and at this time of the year, is shedding like crazy! This trick always helps.

Have you ever bought something nice but it had an annoying label that you tried to rip off, but never came off completely? Use a mixture of vegetable oil and baking soda to remove stubborn sticky labels. I promise you, it works every time.

I have a compartment under my bed that used to have a basket full of cords that was literally over flowing and in one giant knot. When my Grandma came to Utah once, she saw the mess and thought of the idea to use toilet paper rolls to keep all your cords separate instead of having a box of tangled cords. This trick makes getting cords so much easier and it now takes no time at all to grab what I need and go.To make things even easier you could always label the toilet rolls to get what you want even faster.

And finally, people in Park City, are you still too lazy to clean your own house? Click HERE for Park City cleaning services! I haven’t ever used them for my house but the website seemed pretty legit if you need that kind of help. Anyway, those are my five DIY tricks to help improve your household. Hope these help and don’t forget to vote on my poll so I know what you guys would like to see in the future. Thanks for taking your time to read this and I’ll be posting again next Saturday!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

DIY Travel Ideas For Only The Smoothest Travelers

(Photo Courtesy Of: Trevor Morrow)

If you have read my “All About Me” post, you would know that I fly back and forth from Pennsylvania and Utah all the time. I personally feel like I have this traveling stuff down and want to share it with you!  Let me know if any of these help the next time you travel and also please vote on my poll!

Have you ever had smelly clothes after pulling them out of your suitcase from a long plane ride? Before you pack, throw a dryer sheet in to keep all of you clothing items fresh and smelling amazing! It’s also nice when you open a suitcase and get a giant whiff of freshness from that little sheet!
Most people I know fold there clothes into little squares, one on top of the other, when they pack. What they don't know is how they are folding there clothes is the reason why it always comes out so wrinkly! The best way to pack clothing items is to roll them! Rolling them not only prevents wrinkles, but takes up a lot less space, maybe letting you pack an extra pair of shoes! Want to save even more space? Shove all of those rolled up clothes into Ziploc bag. 

Need another way to save space? I always shove my underwear and socks into my shoes! You never realize how much space the inside of your shoes are taking until you try this tip! I can fit up to four pairs of socks into one shoe!
My grandma taught me that the best way to travel with your jewelry is to put them in an organizer pill container, then they won’t get lost, tangled together, or most importantly, stolen.

On my last trip I wanted to pack a necklace that happened to have be super thin. To keep it from tangling I threaded it through a plastic straw (like a cheap one from McDonalds) and then closed it. It’s so convenient and will never get tangled!
Need a sneaker place for money? Roll up your cash and stick it in an empty chap stick container. No one will ever know!

Something thats good to always remember if you are going someplace special is to pack an empty bag for all your souvenirs or presents on the way back. You'll be thankful you did it on the ride home!

Do you have a clothing item that is in need of folding and not rolling? Fold over tissue paper to prevent from wrinkling. To be honest with you I have never tried this trick myself but my dad always uses it for his suits since he travels all the time for business. I personally don’t know how that would work though!

Bringing a bottle of liquids like shampoo, conditioner, perfume or lotion? Take the cap off, wrap plastic wrap over the hole then seal the cap bag on. This trick I promise you will always work. I have used this trick ever since a whole bottle of condition destroyed half my wardrobe on a trip to Disney World!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

DIYs That Will Change The Way You Clean

Do you think you are an expert at cleaning? Think again! I have come up with seven tips to help you with the next time it is your job to clean up the whole house. I for one am a procrastinator when it comes to cleaning and then I end up with an enormous mess! These messes drive me crazy and I hate cleaning. If you are someone who hates cleaning as much as I do, You are going to LOVE this! Also, I found this cool site with more cleaning tips if you would like to check it out HERE. And lastly, please don't forget to vote on my poll!

When I have to do the dishes I find it completely disgusting when I'm cleaning a dirty plate with what looks like an every dirtier sponge! Want to fix this? Use a paper clip to hold up you sponge while you are not using it to prevent it from stewing in its own filth.

I hate it when the winter season comes along and when it's time to pull out the coats from my mudroom they are covered in filth! Surprisingly enough, my dad came up with this one. Prevent coats from dusting by cutting a hole in an old napkin or cloth and hanging it over the hanger.

Do you ever have a terrible scent coming from your sink as you do the dishes? Throw a half cut lemon into your garbage disposal to eliminate any odors.

If you're a procrastinator like me you probably only dust when you find your parent screaming at you to do it. Anyway, my aunt taught me this trick to dip a sock into a bowl with some vinegar and warm water, and use the sock as a glove while you're dusting. I love this trick and it’s way better than anything else I have ever used!

Cleaning the toilet is the worst job in the entire world. I feel like I’m going to throw up every time I do it and I HATE scrubbing the inside of it! The inside of the bowl always seems like the dirtiest part and I don;t understand why people use brushes to get rid of toilet grime when you can just pop in an alka-seltzer and let it sit for about twenty minutes. Boom! All that disgusting grime is gone once you flush!

Window gunk is disgusting and what I do is dip a Q-Tip into some vinegar to get rid of the small bits that form in the edges and corners of the windows.

 Have an old faucet that seems impossible to make shiny and new again? Rub you faucet with wax paper to get rid of spots and other stains. I think my grandmother taught me this one, but all I know is that it works like a charm!

I know this post might have been kind of disturbing for some but let me know what you think! I hoped this helped, happy cleaning!