Saturday, April 25, 2015

8 Sweet Treat DIYs

Photo Courtesy Of: Sweet Treats*

Hello again everyone! Today I have eight delightful DIYs for you to help you with your baking. As always, let me know what you think in the comments below and lets get started!

Have you ever accidentally got an eggshell in your yolk? Don't worry, it happens to me all the time. Probably like 99% of the times I've ever cracked an egg in my life. I'm pretty sure I learned this DIY while watching some cooking show a while back. But anyway, dip your finger in water to have the shell stick to your finger when your trying to get it out. This trick is definitely the easiest way to snatch that stubborn eggshell! 

Have really tough butter? Need it softer for buttering a bagel or something? Don’t microwave it! Cover it with a warm glass, this trick perfectly heats things up real fast!

Anyone a little OCD like myself? While making cupcakes, I always use an ice cream scooper so all my cupcakes are perfectly the same size.

Ever been in a situation where you don’t have a muffin tin? My sister and I have been in this situation one time when we needed to make cupcakes for a girl scout event and completely forgot to bring one. What did we do you ask? We used the lids of mason jars to hold up the cupcake liners. This ended up working great!

Having trouble frosting? Make your cupcakes look slightly more professional with nothing more than a plastic bag. Just scoop some of your frosting to one corner of the bag, and then snip off a little bit of the corner with some scissors. Perfect piping tool!

Want to try something different than icing? Or maybe you're in a situation where you don't have icing at all? Use marshmallows! Literally put a marshmallow on a cupcake and bake for five minutes. The marshmallow will melt and form around the cupcake, looking like perfect and even white frosting! I found this on Pinterest, CLICK HERE to check them out, they have amazing hacks for just about anything! 

Have left over cookie dough? If you're like me you could just eat it. But if you need a way to easily store your cookie dough, put it into an ice tray in the freezer to save for later. Then you get little bites throughout your week of cookie dough snacks.

Best way to save your cookies? Before you put your container of freshly baked cookies away, cut an edge of an apple out and add that into your container. Make sure the skin part of the apple touches the cookies so the juices don’t get soggy. Anyway, this trick keeps your cookies nice and soft and never hard. Don’t believe me, try it yourself! 

So those are my eight DIYs for all the sweet treats you will be making for the rest of your life. Also, don’t forget to vote on my poll so I know what you guys want to read about, and I’ll see you guys next Saturday!

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