Saturday, February 28, 2015

5 Genius Hot Chocolate DIYs

Hello everyone! I wasn’t really sure what I was going to blog about this week, and as I was thinking about this I was drinking hot chocolate when I thought I could give you guys some DIYs to spice up your hot chocolate (even though its abnormally warm outside) Let me know what you guys think about these tricks in the comment section and I hope you enjoy!

Hot Chocolate DIY #1: Broil your hot chocolate with marshmallows on top in your oven at the lowest setting to give your marshmallows a beautiful color. I recommend doing this over microwaving it because microwaving it doesn’t give the marshmallows any crispness to it, it will just blow up the marshmallows making them look huge with no pretty color either.

Hot Chocolate DIY #2: Add some vanilla extract and hot chocolate to your french toast mix to create chocolate french toast! This honesty taste amazing! I made them a while ago for my sister’s birthday and she fell in love with them too. Hot chocolate is the best was to make chocolate french toast because the batter needs to stay thin and using other kinds of chocolate, such a chocolate syrup or melted chocolate chips will make the batter too thick for the bread.

Hot Chocolate DIY #3: Add very crushed and fine Oreos to your hot chocolate mix to bump up your Oreo hot chocolate! You have probably had Oreo hot chocolate before, where someone has cut up some Oreo junks into your drink. But if you grind the Oreos to and extremely fine consistency, you will be able to add it throughout the whole drink without all of the good stuff sinking to the bottom.

Hot Chocolate DIY #4: Add hot chocolate powder to your melted marshmallows when you're making rice crispy treats to make chocolate rice crispy treats! As I said before, hot chocolate is the best way to do this due to the consistency of it, since it wont affect the thickness of your chocolate rice crispy treats. 

Hot Chocolate DIY #5: Add hot chocolate powder to cashew butter and freeze it over night for a healthy and delicious fudge! I learned this from a nutritionist named Lindsay who came to my house and taught my sister and I some natural and healthy recipes. 

f you want to know more about Lindsay click HERE. She is an amazing nutritionist and is a very kind lady. She will come to your house and cook an amazing dinner with you and while she does it she teaches you how to cook the natural and healthier way.

Want some more hot chocolate recipes? Click HERE! This website has tons of recipes for any season and have so many more ideas than what I have come up with here. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed these and let me know what more you want to see by voting on my poll! I’ll be coming up with two more posts by the end of 3rd Quarter. 

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