Saturday, April 11, 2015

7 DIYs For Every Lazy Girl

Makeup Picture in Courtesy Of: Beautiful Makeup

Greetings audience, this week’s post is for girls, even though I’m pretty sure no guys read my blog anyway, apart from Mr. Parker, of course. Anyway, today I will be showing you seven makeup DIYs to save lazy girls who just aren’t able to get up early enough to get things done in time. My best friend, Siana, happens to be like this every morning for school. As usual, let me know if any of these DIYs help you out for those mornings when you're feeling extra lazy.

Okay, so my first DIY is for the night before, after a long day with makeup on your face and your ready to go to sleep. Just use a face wipe to clean instead of washing your face! As long as you get a pack of face wipes good enough for the job, those wipes will end up becoming life savers for your skin, and your pillow case!

My second DIY is to apply concealer in a triangle shape instead of just randomly dabbing in under your eyes for a better effect. This will make it look like you took more time than you really did getting ready in th morning. You will also look less tired.

My third one is for contouring, I personally have never contoured but I have learned this from watching previous makeup videos. Easily contour your face by just brushing it in a "three" shape, which is your forehead, top of your checks, and jaw line. This is supposedly the easiest and quickest way to get the job done.

The fourth DIY is for those girls who like to rock eyeliner, and cat eyes and stuff. For a perfect quick cat eye, use a credit card. This will easily keep the extending lines equal and straight, and you can get it done fast.

Most girls I know my age at the very least wear mascara. For better lashes, warm up your mascara bottle with running under some warm water. This makes the formula come off from sticking to the inner walls, making you lashes always look like you used a fresh new bottle.

This next DIY I use for when I have to wear red lipstick for cheer. With a lip liner, draw an "X" shape to create the perfect cupids bow. It's way easier than trying to do it with just lipstick!

And my last DIY is a complete life savor for when your hair is greasy, which which has happened to every girl I know. Forgot to wash your hair last night? Use dry shampoo! Your scalp looks fresh and clean in seconds.

Want to know how to get ready in only five minutes in the morning? Click HERE for this cool website I found that gives you genius tips!

Alright so those are my DIYs for you lazy girls out there who like to sleep until the last minute for school, work, or whatever your plans are. Also, don’t forget to vote on my poll if you haven’t already so I know what you guys want to see! See you all again next week!

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