Saturday, October 18, 2014

DIY Acne Mask

(Photo Courtesy Of: *Acne Remedies)

Almost everyone I know that’s my age, including myself is fighting acne. We all hate it, and we all want it gone. Have you been breaking out due to stress, or maybe hormones? I've found the perfect mask for you! 

What you will need:

  • One Apple (I used red, not that it matters)
  • About three tablespoons of honey
  • Knife
  • Cutting Board
  • Blender
  • Small container (to put the product in)

*Quick Tip: This apple honey mask works best when it’s fresh. In other words, do not keep in refrigerator to apply later.

Start off with cutting up your apple into about one inch chunks, then add to blender.  Next, add your honey and blend!

This was where I made a mistake. As you can see below, I blended far to long, making my mask at thin as water. Speaking of water, I also added half a cup to my mixture! 

*Quick Tip: I highly recommend to just use the ingredients above for an easier application. In other words, don’t use water!

My Mixture:
My consistency was way too thin and I had a terrible time trying to put it on. :/

Anyway blend for a short period of time until the mixture has combined, but is still chunky. Then pour into your container and it is ready to use! Apply with either clean hands, like I did, or a clean paint brush.

*Quick Tip: Wash your face before applying mask for better results.

Let the mask sit on your face for about ten minutes. It feels very soothing and your skin will feel squeaky clean when you wash it off!

Now you're probably wondering, how does this mask work? Well, honey has anti-biotic properties, which stops bacteria growth and the apple's grains have glycolic acid which works as an exfoliation, cleaning your face and clearing up the skin's pores. Together, they fight to minimize acne!

*Quick Tip: Still want to know more about how apples and honey are good for your skin? Click Below:

Use this mask about once or twice a week to keep acne from appearing, or just use whenever you're breaking out. This mask is amazing for the skin and I love what it does for me! I hoped you enjoyed my mask and please comment below telling me how it worked for you. Also, please vote on my poll so I know what you guys would like to see! Thanks! :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the acne face mask! I haven't tried this before, and plan to. I hope it doesn't burn my face off! I have another DIY post about ice cream, check it out at
