Saturday, November 29, 2014

DIY Your Leftovers!

In my family when it comes to cooking dinners, we always make a huge amount so we can always have some for the rest of the week. I personally hate having the same thing over and over and want to share how I like to change things up.

Have some leftover mashed potatoes? Make some cheesy mashed potato pancakes by just mixing some mashed potatoes, cheese, chives and eggs together. Then frying them in cooking oil! I add sour cream to mine and it tastes like cheesy heaven! They end up being crispy on the outside and nice a gooey from the potatoes inside. Want to know a quick tip about frying? My grandmother taught me that if you put the end of a clean wooden spoon into your oil, you will be able to tell if it's hot enough by seeing bubbles form around the spoon. Works every time I promise!

(Photo Curtesy Of: Kelly Senyei)

Still craving the fall season? How about some pumpkin spice Rice Krispy treats! Your inner white girl will be obsessed with these! I love making these after Thanksgiving when there is leftover pumpkin puree. For this all you have to do is malt some butter and pumpkin puree in a pan, add a bag of marshmallows, and keep stirring until it looks like warm icing. Warning: It tastes amazing! After that, add a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla extract, nutmeg and salt to get that fancy spice taste going and take off the heat. Your last step it to mix in the Rice Krispies and viola! You have delicious pumpkin spice treats that your friends are going to love!

(Photo Curtesy Of: Nealey Dozier)

My sister is obsessed with cranberry sauce and I personally don't like it. But what I do like is cranberry butter! Sounds weird at first, but its this light pink whipped butter that's amazing on bagels! All you have to do is use a hand mixer to whip some butter and cranberry sauce together and you will fall in love! It's not as strong as cranberry sauce and more  of a buttery, creamy taste that you can even put on sandwiches!

(Photo Curtesy Of: Anna Angel)

Not a huge fan of plain Jane sweet potatoes like myself? Turn them into delicious sweet potato bites!I just mix the cooked potatoes, some parmesan cheese and salt into a blender and roll them into balls on a baking tray as if I'm baking cookies. After they're baked for around fifteen to twenty minutes they taste just as good as the cheesy mashed potato pancakes! I personally like these more then the pancakes because I prefer some that's not too cheesy and this is just the right amount!

(Photo Curtesy Of: Jordan)

I love these four ways to recreate leftovers and please leave me a comment if you try any of them yourself! Also, if you haven’t already, vote on my poll so I know what you guys would like to see more of! Want to get more fancy with your recreations? CLICK HERE for more leftover recipes!